2022.11.04 Saito Asuka’s Blog: I Still Had Feelings of Embarrassment (English Translation)

Colds days keep coming

The days when 1 piece of clothes can no longer protect you from cold keep continue~

Hello, this is Asuka

Most of the time people elaborate cold with sadness but I don’t feel like that


Whenever someone graduates, ever since she announced her graduation until the graduation day and even after graduated and there was a talk about it, I would never say that myself.

On mail, talk app, blog, or Instagram.

I dont know when I decided to do that, but my fans around me never saw that word from me anywhere. 

Now it’s time for me to use that word.

Thank you for the great 11 years.

Along with the next single activities, I will graduate from Nogizaka46.

I think I made up my mind quite a long time ago.

This place has been my first home for a long time, but the group has given me so much more!

My life has been completely colored by Nogizaka.

I took the audition when I was 12 or 13, and the miraculous days kept continuing for 11 years.

Meeting members is the only fun thing for me who can’t blend in at the school

Never running out of talks when gathering with the youngsters and always getting spoiled by oneesan members

my mom must be felt relieved. that’s what made me happy.


There was a day when I noticed that the members around me were getting stronger and stronger without even knowing it.

As time goes by, I started to recognize that this is a job.

That time I started to think about what did I have.

I was using my status as the youngest as a weapon, but that had to come to an end someday. I had to find something in the meantime, but I felt like I was being left behind, and I started to get impatient.

I dont know how many of you witnessed that moment back then but remembering it now makes me feel so embarrassed.

It all started with the name Ashurin on my blog.

Now, the present me and the past me totally different people.

But I really don’t have anything.

All I could think of was to decorate a lot and shut myself in a shell…

From there, I could finally show many sides of myself and experienced many things including failure.

Even there was the worst period.

I think the time I spent struggling with impatience wasn’t short.

Nevertheless, I am grateful that I can experience that.

Back then, I didn’t think like that but thinking about it now, if those events never exist, I would not become the present me.

Thanks to the people around me, I could finally change my way of thinking.

Since a long time ago, I always like people who work behind the scene, and even thought about moving to that side when I was 10s.

“That’s so cool to be behind the scenes!” I thought.

That’s because the managers and everyone else involved were so cool.

It should have been a tough job, but they didn’t make it look tough.

Even after I became an adult, I still think what a good company it is(^_^)

I don’t need to tell you that the members are all amazing people.

I may have been particularly attached to my genmates, but aside from their cute faces, they are very capable people.

In the past, I both longed for it and felt annoyed by it, and it became clear to me that this is what you called as grow-up.

I’ve recently found a lot of people who are amused and accepting when I stay at my own pace, and I have a lot of respect for them, no matter their age or history!

Then my fans!

I have always had a tendency to not say what I really think or to misrepresent my feelings.

I’m sure there have been many times when you misunderstood me because of that, and I may have made you feel lonely at times, but I’d like to thank you for your kindness.

Thank you.

I’m not pretending when I said I was saved by your kindness.

I’ve never been passionate about anything, but it always makes me freshly happy to see my fans!

I always wonder how they manage that kind of passion, and I wish I could be that passionate too.

But when I think about it, I was just as passionate about Nogizaka as everyone else.

I’d never do anything for so long, but this one, I’ve been doing it for 11 years. What a long journey~

Leaving the only place I’ve ever belonged seems to be a big deal, a very big and also hard decision to make, but I’ll be fine!

The most important thing for me right now is to return the favor to those around me!

I know I’m being a spoiled brat and should have paid back sooner, and I know it’s too late to do so now, but I want to make sure that I am honest with those who love me and think of me, and those who have thought of me!

And of course, no look back!

So please give me one last moment of your time.

Technically, my activities will last until the end of the year.

In a slightly different pattern, a graduation concert was planned to be held next year!

I love the live concert and it is a very important place for me, so I wanted to celebrate with everyone and have a good time until the end…

The details of the schedule and venue are still under the arrangement, so please understand.

We are currently working out the details of the schedule and venue, so thank you for your understanding.

I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but I hope you are looking forward to it.

I wonder if I will be able to hear everyone’s voice by then? I know I shouldn’t say this so easily, but it would be nice to hear your voices.

I would like to think slowly about what I will do after graduation.

Thankfully, I have had a lot of experiences in the past 11 years, and I have a lot of interests in various places, so I am very much looking forward to it!

I know it’s been a very tight period of time between the time I let you know and the time I’ll depart

But the staff has been thinking of all kinds of things to make up for it, and I’m sure there will be lots of fun things to come!

In fact, the first one is coming soon!

Tomorrow, 11/5 from 19:30 JST

There will be live steaming on Nogizaka Streaming Now channel.

I never thought I would have such an opportunity to talk to you all while showing my face so soon.

I’m sure it will be very precious streaming.

And on that live streaming…

We will be performing our new song for the first time!

Is there anything more gratifying than that? Thank you very much!

We will be able to show you our brand-new song live!

I’m so happy!

The song we received this time is also very nice.

I hope many of you will enjoy it, including the fabulousness of it!

So please!

We don’t have a lot of time until the end of the year.

I want to spend my time carefully, treasure each piece of it(^_^).

That’s all for now!

I really, really want to thank everyone who has been involved with Nogizaka46 for the past 11 years.

Thank you for taking care of me for the past 11 years.

Thank you so much!

Until the end of the year, please continue to support me!

Click page 2 to see the original source

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